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Kajplats 20, Söder Mälarstrand 77 i Stockholm!

Sweden's last steamship ship

In the spring of 1928, the lighthouse engineer J.A. Hultman drawings for the new steam service vessel for the Royal Pilotage Board, decided by the Riksdag.


The ship was built in 1929 at Helsingborgs Varfs AB.


The ship, which measures 32 x 6 meters, has seven cabins, two salons, three fairs, a galley, a shower room and a cargo hold, all in good condition.


The ship was mechanically equipped with a coalfired boiler and seven steam engines, all still in operation. In addition to the main machine of the compound type, there are steam machines for operation of generators, pumps, anchor winches and more.


The ship, classified as a steam rescue ship, is the oldest of its kind that remains today in Sweden.


Den 12 april 2003 hedrades S/S Orion med ett officiellt besök av Hans Majestät Konungen Carl XVI Gustaf, åtföljd av adjutant och hovmarskalk. Under besöket visade Konungen stort engagemang för restaureringsprojektet.

Hans Majestät är idag den största bidragsgivaren till projektet och konungens generösa bidrag har varit mycket betydelsefullt.

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James Hetfields

James Hetfield, frontfigur i det världsberömda heavy metal-bandet Metallica, överraskade med ett besök på S/S Orion.


Tommy Körberg

Den legendariske artisten Tommy Körberg hedrade S/S Orion med sitt besök, vilket blev en minnesvärd och ytterst trevlig upplevelse för alla ombord.


Sven-Bertil Taube


Sven-Bertil Taube

besökte S/S Orion och delade med sig av fängslande historier från sitt förflutna som sjöman. 


Bengt Feldreich

Den välkände TV-profilen Bengt Feldreich gästade S/S Orion och bidrog med sin närvaro till fartygets rika historia av prominenta besökare.

Övriga besökare

On April 16, 2005, we were able to enjoy another official visit when the first speaker of the Riksdag, Björn von Sydow, visited the ship.

On June 5, 2007, the ship was visited by the Minister of Culture Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth, Department Secretary Erik Wahlström and Business Director Christer Asplund. The Minister of Culture was very positive about the association's efforts to ensure maritime cultural heritage and the commitment to young people.

During the spring of 2009, we were visited by the municipal management for the city of Stockholm. The entire presidium and city council in finance, environment and culture were invited to a viewing. Furthermore, we were also able to enjoy a visit from opposition councilor Carin Jämtin.

Lotsdirektörens hustru

Among other visitors who made a big impression, we can mention an elderly woman who visited the ship in the spring of 1995. Suddenly she was standing there, balancing on the gangway. The lady was helped with gentle hands on board. At first you might think it was a generally confused lady who couldn't find her home but the truth would soon be revealed. The soon-to-be 90-year-old lady said that she had sailed on several occasions with the S/S Orion, then in the capacity of the pilot's wife. She spoke with great reverence and enthusiasm about the experience of gliding through the Swedish archipelago with the steamboat's noiseless and vibration-free movement. She went on to say how much she disliked the new ship that would later replace the S/S Orion. A diesel-smelling and shaky experience that over time she completely refrained from sailing with. 

The ghost ship

The S/S Orion is haunted off and on by a deceased captain who served on the ship in the late thirties. At night, his steps have been perceived from the bridge. Faint sounds from the machine telegraph have also been heard. It is also rumored that one of the chefs who died on board under unclear circumstances is going again. Sludge from copper pans has been perceived at night and some have told that they smelled a faint food smell.


On April 22, 2022, a visitor on the ship saw that the toilet door in the captain's salon was suddenly opened and then closed, this was also heard by Captain Bosse. He opened the door and the room turned out to be empty.

Föreningen - S/S Orion

Projekt S/S Orions vänner bildades år 1992. Genom föreningens skapande har ett brett kontaktnät kunnat byggas upp vilket har bidragit till att göra det marinhistoriska projektet och dess ungdomsverksamhet möjligt.

Hans Majestät är idag den största bidragsgivaren till projektet och konungens generösa bidrag har varit mycket betydelsefullt.

Målsättningen är att förvaltningen av museifartyget S/S Orion i framtiden skall övergå i stiftelseform för att trygga ångfartygets vidare underhåll och drift. Denna stiftelse, vars namn är Orion af Stockholm, skall då stå under förvaltning av en styrelse med säte i Stockholm. Ångfartyget K-märktes 2003 av Statens Sjöhistoriska Museer.

Vill du vara med i föreningen?

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Hans Majestät är idag den största bidragsgivaren till projektet och konungens generösa bidrag har varit mycket betydelsefullt.

Youth activities 

S/S Orion's Friends conducts non-profit activities with the aim of meeting the needs of socially vulnerable young people for support and personal development. The operations on the K-marked steamship S/S Orion provide an environment where youth and even adults can grow as people; both professionally by learning crafts and socially by providing a safe environment free from racism, bullying, and drugs.



Historical articles


Over the years, the project manager on S/S Orion Bo Thorstenson has received numerous prizes and awards. 

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Stockholms polisdistrikt

Royal Medal

Konungens Medalj

Gålö Foundation's medal

Gålöstiftelsens Medalj

Royal Patriotic Society 2018

Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapets medalj


Stockholms polisdistrikt

Vid en ceremoni i Stockholms stadshus mottog Bo Thorstenson av Landshövding Ulf Adelsohn Polisens medalj för sin brottsförebyggande gärning. 
Bo Thorstenson is awarded H.M. The King's Medal

His Majesty the King's Medal

HM The King's Medal, formerly the Court Medal, was instituted in 1813 and is awarded to Swedish citizens for special merit. It is part of the Royal Medals group and is, second only to the Seraphim Medal, the highest award that the head of state bestows on Swedish citizens. 

Bo Thorstenson was awarded this medal on 6 June 2013 for valuable efforts as a mentor for vulnerable young people.

The Gålö foundation's medal

At the Gålöstiftelsen's Christmas reception ceremony, on 14 Dec 2018, Bo Thorstenson received the Gålöstiftelsen's silver medal, eighth size, from the Foundation's Secretary General Ingemar Persson and County Governor Sven-Erik Österberg for significant efforts to benefit vulnerable children and young people, for whom the foundation had and still has and knows a particularly big responsibility.
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Royal Patriotic Society medal

On June 7, 2022, the Royal Patriotic Society awarded Bo Thorstenson its medal in gold, first size, as a reward for a significant deed. 
The medal was awarded by chairman Thomas Nordgren at Projekt S/S Orion's annual meeting.
Bo Thorstenson receives a scholarship from Skandia

Skandia - Ideas for life - Scholarship

Skandia's Foundation - Ideas for life - has awarded Bo Thorstenson a scholarship of SEK 50,000, this took place at a ceremony on September 29, 2022 at Skandia's headquarters in Stockholm. The scholarship is a support to be able to continue to help young people in need of help.
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