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Over the years, the project manager on S/S Orion Bo Thorstenson has received numerous prizes and awards.
Stockholms polisdistrikt
Konungens Medalj
Gålöstiftelsens Medalj
Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapets medalj
Stockholms polisdistrikt
Vid en ceremoni i Stockholms stadshus mottog Bo Thorstenson av Landshövding Ulf Adelsohn Polisens medalj för sin brottsförebyggande gärning.
His Majesty the King's Medal
HM The King's Medal, formerly the Court Medal, was instituted in 1813 and is awarded to Swedish citizens for special merit. It is part of the Royal Medals group and is, second only to the Seraphim Medal, the highest award that the head of state bestows on Swedish citizens.
Bo Thorstenson was awarded this medal on 6 June 2013 for valuable efforts as a mentor for vulnerable young people.
The Gålö foundation's medal
At the Gålöstiftelsen's Christmas reception ceremony, on 14 Dec 2018, Bo Thorstenson received the Gålöstiftelsen's silver medal, eighth size, from the Foundation's Secretary General Ingemar Persson and County Governor Sven-Erik Österberg for significant efforts to benefit vulnerable children and young people, for whom the foundation had and still has and knows a particularly big responsibility.
Royal Patriotic Society medal
On June 7, 2022, the Royal Patriotic Society awarded Bo Thorstenson its medal in gold, first size, as a reward for a significant deed.
The medal was awarded by chairman Thomas Nordgren at Projekt S/S Orion's annual meeting.
Skandia - Ideas for life - Scholarship
Skandia's Foundation - Ideas for life - has awarded Bo Thorstenson a scholarship of SEK 50,000, this took place at a ceremony on September 29, 2022 at Skandia's headquarters in Stockholm. The scholarship is a support to be able to continue to help young people in need of help.
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