Hitta hit
Train number 7 from T-centralen/Klarabergsgatan to Skansen on Djurgården. Travel time approx. 12 minutes. Then walk to Beckholmen (see map).

Contact Us
In the heart of Stockholm lies the steamer S/S Orion, a pilot ship belonging to the Royal Pilotage Authority. The ship is being restored by the non-profit association Projekt S/S Orions Vänner. The ship is K-marked.
Project S/S Orion's friends
Bo Thorstenson
Mobile: 070-779 25 79
Visiting address:
Beckholmen's Shipyard,
KGKnutsson's Dock
115 21 Stockholm
Mailing address:
Storhagsvägen 15
179 98 Färentuna
Vill du vara med och bidra till bevarandet av detta marinhistoriska arv och dess ungdomsverksamhet så tar vi tacksamt emot bidrag.
Kontonummer Nordea: 9960 2605720271
Plusgiro: 57 20 27-1
Swishnummer: 123 134 61 70